Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Toilet Soaps

Have you noticed something happening to the toilet soap that you buy? Earlier life was not so complicated. All toilet soaps weighed 79gms for some odd reason. That made comparisons easy. Only Lifebouy weighed 100gms, like Sunlight tablet because it was categorised as laundry soap.

weight of toilet soaps began to be played around with by many of the manufacturers and now the consumer had to contend with comparing price and weight, which is absolutely impossible.

This has nothing to do with "fortune at the bottom of the Pyramid" where there is a conscious reduction in the quantity offered generally equal to one use, like the shampoo sachet.

Traditionally, toilet soaps were expected to last 14 days to 18days. Thanks to the wonderful advertising, I got tempted to use Pears and was shocked to find that it dissolved in a week. Gone is the oval depressed shape.

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